4 Tips to Help Make Your Thanksgiving Dinner Tooth-Friendly

November 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — morgandentalcare @ 8:55 pm

From a largely virtual parade to a more intimate crowd around the dinner table, Thanksgiving looks very different this year. However, one thing certainly hasn’t changed: the copious amounts of food! Unfortunately, ooey-gooey pecan pie, marshmallow-topped sweet potatoes, and delicious stuffing are just a few staples that your taste buds love, but your teeth despise. Therefore, a dentist in Gorham is sharing four tips to make your meal tooth-friendly.


Simplifying Dental Insurance: 4 Tips for Understanding Your Plan

November 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — morgandentalcare @ 9:25 pm

Having dental insurance is one thing, but utilizing your benefits to the fullest is something else entirely. That task is nearly impossible if you don’t understand the fine print on your dental plan. Since the unfamiliar jargon and pages of paperwork can be headache-inducing, a dentist in Gorham is sharing four helpful tips so you can save as much as possible at your next appointment!
