Aging can be a beautiful thing, but when it comes to taking care of your teeth, there are some ways your oral health may start to change over time that you may not be all that excited about. Whether you’ve noticed yourself becoming a little bit “long in the tooth” or you’ve seen your teeth start to gray, there are some ways in which your teeth could start to betray your age, even if you take good care of them.
Thankfully, there are cosmetic dental treatments that can help you to turn back the clock. If you’re wondering how they can do that for you, here are some examples of procedures that may be a little bit helpful.
Teeth Whitening
As you get older, it’s natural for the enamel on the surface of the tooth to start to become thinner over time. This enamel is, among other things, what gives the teeth their color. When it gets thinner, the darker layers of nerve tissue under the surface of the tooth can become exposed, causing the teeth to look darker.
Professional teeth whitening won’t fortify the enamel, but it can remove any stains on the surface of the teeth that have caused your smile to become further discolored, making you look just a little bit younger.
Direct Bonding
As you get older, it’s possible that you’ve collected some chips and cracks in your smile along the way. Direct bonding involves your dentist placing a tooth-colored composite resin on your teeth and using a specialized light to cure it into place.
It’s deceptively simple, but by using this method, your dentist can completely erase all kinds of damage to your teeth.
Maybe you have a mix of all of these problems—discoloration, damage, and even misalignment issues. Veneers can completely transform your pearly whites into the smile of your dreams!
Your dentist can layer a thin shell of porcelain onto the tooth, then use a sophisticated dental cement to anchor it into place. These tiny porcelain chips perfectly resemble beautiful teeth, meaning that you can get a Hollywood smile to be proud of.
About Our Practice
At Morgan-Hill Dental Care, we always work to put the comfort of our patients at the center of everything that we do. Part of that involves designing our office to be warm and comfortable, but more than that, everyone at our practice will do what they can to ensure that you feel heard and attended to from the moment you walk in the door.
If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (207) 839-2655.