Many people wish to have straighter teeth but don’t want to deal with the dietary restrictions and the visible metal wires and brackets that come with braces. Luckily, Invisalign allows many patients to straighten their smiles with removable and virtually invisible clear aligners. While many patients report having an easier time with Invisalign than with braces, they may still experience some discomfort while getting used to wearing their clear aligners. Here’s how to stay comfortable while wearing Invisalign.
How Can Invisalign Be Uncomfortable?
Invisalign works by having the patient wear customized clear aligners that are designed to shift the teeth into better alignment. The patient must wear one set of aligners in the sequence for at least twenty hours a day for two weeks before moving on to the next one, with each set moving the teeth slightly further toward their new positions. The aligners move the teeth by exerting pressure against them, and this pressure can cause uncomfortable stress in the teeth and gums.
How Can I Manage Discomfort Associated with Invisalign?
A patient may experience some discomfort while getting used to wearing a set of aligners, but this discomfort can be managed through a few common pain management solutions. A few of these include:
Ice pack or cold compress
Cold is a common and effective way to soothe sore and swollen tissues while reducing inflammation. Hold an ice pack or cold compress over your cheek or lips to reduce any discomfort that may come after switching to a new set of aligners. You can even do this before putting your aligners in to numb your teeth and gums in advance.
Over-the-counter pain medication
Pharmacies and grocery stores sell many different pain management medications. If you’re uncomfortable after putting in a new set of aligners, take some aspirin or ibuprofen to help reduce the pain. You might even try taking it an hour before putting them in to stay ahead of any discomfort.
Warm salt water rinse
Rinsing with warm salt water is a common oral pain relief solution. Mix a teaspoon of salt with a cup of water and then sip it, swish it, gargle it, and spit it out. This will help reduce inflammation and clean irritated tissues.
Discomfort is temporary, but the results of an Invisalign treatment can last for a lifetime if you wear your retainer as recommended. If you’re having difficulty dealing with any discomfort that comes when you put in a new set of aligner trays, these methods can help ease the transition so you can enjoy a beautiful smile for years afterward.
About the Practice
Morgan-Hill Dental Care provides excellent oral health services to the good people of Gorham, ME. Led by Drs. Ted Morgan, Kelsey Hill, and Brett Morgan, the dedicated staff makes sure each patient receives the best dental care possible in a warm and friendly environment. Areas of expertise include general, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry as well as Invisalign treatments. For more tips for wearing Invisalign clear aligners comfortably, contact the office online or dial (207) 839-2655.