During those special moments in life, one of the most useful tools a family or group of friends can have is a camera. If you have some smile hiccups that need to be addressed, though, the thought of posing for pictures can be a little daunting. As you continue reading, your cosmetic dentist in Gorham discusses three life-changing events that can be made even better with the help of cosmetic dentistry!
Morgan Dental Care Blog
3 Reasons to Upgrade Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry!
November 17, 2019
Don’t Lose Your 2019 Insurance Benefits! How You Can Act Now
October 10, 2019
As the end of the year approaches, the days are counting down to more than just New Year’s Eve – the time is also running out on your 2019 dental insurance benefits! Any benefits left unused at the end of December will NOT roll over. You have paid for your insurance coverage, so do not let it go to waste! Fortunately, it is not too late to start dental treatment and maximize your remaining dental insurance benefits. Here is some helpful information from a dentist in Gorham on how to make the most of your insurance plan in the months ahead.
Will Your CEREC Crown Look Natural?
September 17, 2019
For a while now, you’ve had one tooth that just looks stubbier than all the rest. It also looks just a bit discolored. You’d really like to get it fixed somehow, but you just don’t have the time to make two appointments with your dentist to get a crown made and placed. Did you know there’s actually a way to get a dental crown done in just one single appointment? Thanks to CEREC in Gorham, the crown process just got a whole lot easier. But will these crowns look natural? Continue reading to find out.
What’s the Difference Between Traditional and Implant-Retained Dentures in Gorham?
August 13, 2019
Are you missing all of your teeth and tired of the instability of traditional dentures? Implant-retained dentures in Gorham eliminate the issue of slipping and shifting restorations because they’re attached to a firm, strong, and stable foundation. As the closest restorative solution to your natural teeth, you’ll be impressed by how comfortable and easy to care for they are. You can determine which restorative solution is best for you by reading on to learn the difference between the two. (more…)
How Can Visiting a Sedation Dentist in Gorham Help You Feel Comfortable and Relaxed?
June 2, 2019
Does picking up the phone to schedule your much-needed dental treatment make you nervous? When you walk into your dentist’s office, the smell of the air and feel of the chair sticking to your body makes you feel filled with fear and anxiety. Ever since you were a child, you’ve been afraid of the sterile office environment and metal tools poking around in your mouth. You can feel relaxed and comfortable during your next procedure when you visit a sedation dentist in Gorham. Read on to learn about a great solution for your dental anxiety. (more…)
Your Cosmetic Dentist in Gorham Says You Deserve Smile Perfection!
April 10, 2019
If your smile isn’t as attractive as you’d like it to be, then chances are your confidence has taken a hit. Understandably, you want to make some improvements, but does having your smile remade offer more than just a better appearance? Your cosmetic dentist in Gorham says, “Yes!” As you continue reading, find out what else you stand to gain from a smile makeover!
Why You Should Visit a Family Dentist in Gorham this Spring
March 10, 2019
Spring has sprung! As the weather warms up outside, it is time do a deep clean of the house and rummage through the closets, under the bed, in the attic and every other nook and cranny to get rid of items you no longer need or want. However, while you are focusing on freshening up your home, do not forget to look after yourself as well! Now is the perfect time to schedule a spring checkup with a family dentist in Gorham.
Is Your Crown Damaged? Here is How CEREC Can Restore Your Smile!
February 17, 2019
You’re in need of a dental crown, but you’re not sure what’s the best way to go about it. Two available methods are traditional crowns and CEREC (chairside economical restoration of esthetics ceramics). So you can get an idea of which is better-suited to restore your tooth, a local dentist explains both processes!
Make Life Easy – See A Family Dentist in Gorham For All Your Family’s Needs!
February 11, 2019
Trying to manage the different needs and schedules of different family members is no easy task. Work, school, dental, and doctor appointments are just some of the things you have to juggle to make it all work. But while you can’t simplify everything, you can do one thing to make life a little easier – see a family dentist in Gorham! It’s the best way to make things more convenient and get high-quality, comprehensive care at the same time. Learn more below!
5 Reasons to Make and Keep Six-Month Appointments with Your Family Dentist in Gorham
January 18, 2019
You know you should visit the dentist twice a year, but why is it so important? And why should you make your appointments sooner rather than later? What advantages are there to having your dental visits set early? Check out these 5 reasons to schedule early and keep these checkups and cleanings with your family dentist in Gorham. (more…)