Teeth Whitening Gorham

Achieve Your Brightest Smile

Woman in dental chair getting professional teeth whitening in Gorham

First impressions can go a long way, and a stunning smile is a powerful asset for making connections. Sadly, many people out there are too shy to show off their smiles because of cosmetic dental concerns. Luckily, Dr. Hill and Dr. Brett deliver effective teeth whitening treatments that can lift years of stains or discoloration. This can be done through a specialized take-home kit. Message or call our dental office for more about how we can help you achieve a shinier grin with professional teeth whitening in Gorham.

Why Choose Morgan-Hill Dental Care for Teeth Whitening?

  • Specialized Take-Home Whitening Available
  • Customized Treatments to Help You Achieve Your Ideal Results
  • Experienced and Skilled Cosmetic Dental Team

Who Is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Woman in pink blouse standing on a wooden bridge and smiling

If you’re worried about minor stains or discoloration, teeth whitening may be the best way to clear it away and leave your pearly whites bright and shiny. To determine how to best treat your case, we’ll thoroughly examine your mouth and figure out the causes of your discoloration. If you have untreated tooth decay or gum disease, we can treat it and resolve it so you can safely and comfortably receive cosmetic dentistry.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Dental patient getting his teeth professionally whitened

Our dental team in Gorham can deliver stunning teeth whitening results through take-home teeth whitening, which is designed to allow for a more convenient option.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

We can provide you with a whitening kit that can create results far better than you can buy at the store. These kits include customized dental trays and professional-grade whitening gel. You must only apply the gel to the trays and wear them for about an hour every day for two weeks. Many patients enjoy the remarkable convenience and flexibility that this option offers.

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

Man smiling while brushing his teeth

The results of our teeth whitening treatments can last for several months or even years with proper care and hygiene. A few excellent ways to make sure your teeth stay shiny and bright include:

  • Stay away from foods and drinks that can cause dental stains or discoloration such as coffee or red wines and sauces.
  • Prevent plaque buildup by brushing and flossing every day.
  • Enjoy white dairy products such as yogurt, milk, and other high-calcium items to help your teeth stay strong and healthy.
  • See us every six months for routine dental exams and cleanings.

Come in to have your results touched up as needed.